Information is Wealth...

How to create RSS Feeds and Google Sitemap for ASP.Net MVC using LINQ to xml

The two most popular reasons why we have a XML in most of our personal websites
  1. RSS Feed

  2. Google Site Map

The above said two reasons can be be implemented using LINQ to XML


How to implement Auto Suggest using an Auto complete Extender Control

This Auto Suggest control shall suggest the user
  1. Text based on text entered.

  2. Shall suggest you images based on the image name entered as input in the text box.


How to build Custom SEO friendly paging with ASP.NET Repeater or DataList control Controls like Data Grid and Grid view have paging functionality out of the box. How about controls like repeater and data list control which do not having paging out of the box.

Advantages of these controls:
  1. View State need not be maintained.

  2. They are SEO (Search engine Optimization) friendly, so search engines like google and bing can even crawl through all the records in this Repeater or DataList