Information is Wealth...: Ration card status
Showing posts with label Ration card status. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ration card status. Show all posts

Submit RR Number Electricity bill online existing gas connection

To Submit RR Number Electricity bill online existing gas connection

 If you are APL card holder,submit four copies of your card with your address and consumer number.Drop it off at your LPG gas providers office.For others,drop off a copy of your electricity bill (with the RR Number) along with your consumer number.

This should be submitted on or before Feb 10th 2011.

 Government is focusing on these people, who have multiple connections and fit cylinders in their car or autos.We will be able to get at least five lakh illegal connection from such people alone.These gas cylinders are subsidised to a large extent by the government and therefore everybody should get them.

 The rule of the Gas connection is simple one house one connection not more than one registered connection like one in your mother's name and one in Son's name.This doesn't mean you cannot have double cylinder from one provider you can have double cylinder legally.

 This is just to track down on multiple connection for one house.

 To Submit RR Number Electricity bill online existing gas connection, Please go through the URL

Updated: 25th March 2012

To check LPG Gas connection status online in bangalore:

To apply for ration card in bangalore, karnataka online
Go through below document for Procedure to apply for New Ration Card through Online

How to get duplicate acknowledgement of Ration Card application in bangalore

Get the LPG Distributors List based on District in karnataka

How to check the Status of Rural Ration Card  in bangalore

How to check the Status of Urban Ration Card in bangalore