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Babylon uTorrent toolbar firefox browser

Babylon uTorrent toolbar firefox browser

Babylon uTorrent toolbar firefox browser - How to uninstall or Remove Babylon uTorrent toolbar from firefox browser?

When you install torrent clients like uTorrent and other programs, lot of toolbars start adding to your browser. This  makes your firefox browser slower and heavy to Load.

To remove babylon or utorrent toolbars from your firefox browser, You do not need any uninstallers.

Firefox browser has a add-on manager which shall take care of these toolbars which you no more need and like to remove or uninstall.

You can clean these toolbars from your Firefox browser by just following the below steps using the firefox add-on manager.

1) Go to Options in Firefox browser

Babylon uTorrent toolbar firefox browser

2) Click on Manage add-ons
Babylon uTorrent toolbar firefox browser

3) Click remove on each tool bar like babylon or utorrent to remove them from your firefox browser. Once you click on remove and restart the browser, your firefox browser is now clean from babylon or utorrent toolbars. Hope this helps you in removing Babylon or uTorrent toolbar from your firefox browser

Babylon uTorrent toolbar firefox browser

Ramayana in HTML5 by Google Indonesia

Ramayana in HTML5 by Google Indonesia

Ramayana is known as an ancient sanskrit epic. Its also an important part of Hindu culture and history.Google has come up with HTML 5 representation of this great epic, It demonstrates Ramayana in form of episodes.

The text is written in bahasa Indonesia language. However you can convert the text into your favourite language like English or Hindi or Spanish or Portuguese using Google Translate in chrome browser and go through one of the best visual treat created using HTML 5 by Google.

Note that this translator may work only for Google's chrome browser.

Surf through this Ramayana in our Facebook era.

Looks amazing isn't it?

Translate text from english to hindi or Portuguese to english using Google Translate

Google has come up with free text translator named Google Translate for chrome browser and apple iOS which can translate between 60 languages.

How does this translator help you? If you have found a website or portal in a different language you can just click the Translate extension to convert the text into your favorite language.

Once you install this Translator on Chrome you may translate any language, just click on the Translator Icon on the right top corner of chrome and its done.

For an example it can translate from

  • English to Spanish 

  • Portuguese to English

  • English to Hindi

Google Translate is available as an extension for chrome browser  and also available as an iOS app in Itunes for  iPod,iPhone and iPad.

How do you feel after having a free Translator?